Search Past Rates
Search past 5-minute interval rates (closing) by currency pair and time.
The rate reference source has been changed as of April 7, 2022 for ETC and MONA, and as of September 13, 2022 for LSK and OMG.
If there is no 5-minute session at the specified date and time, the most recent 5-minute session rates (closing) retroactively from the date and time is displayed.
If there is no 5-minute session at the specified date and time, the most recent 5-minute session rates (closing) retroactively from the date and time is displayed.
Currency pair:
Date time:
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{{ $, 'MMM D, YYYY h:mm:ss A') }}
{{ r.pair.toUpperCase().replace('_', '/') }}
{{ $filters.delimited($filters.display_digit(r.rate, 5)) }}JPY